October 25, 2007 Houston, Will tunnels under I-45 improve traffic?
Following published in Houston Chronicle blog Inside Central Houston by Jennifer Friedberg.
October 25, 2007
Will tunnels under I-45 improve traffic?
The I-45 Coalition has come up with a creative solution to solve the traffic problems on I-45 from downtown north to Beltway 8. The challenge now for this organization made up of residents from neighborhoods such as the Heights, Woodland Heights and Old Sixth Ward to name a few, is getting TxDOT to listen.
The coalition's idea, which it calls the i45 parkway, involves two six-lane commuter tunnels, the redevelopment of surface lanes as a parkway for local traffic similar to Allen Parkway, and a commuter rail line. The coalition says the tunnel would cost $3.1 billion, take about three to five years to build and not require any additional right of way.
TxDOT has proposed adding four high occupancy vehicle lanes, which could cost about $2.1 billion and take 10 years to build. If the HOV lanes are added, the coalition says average speeds would increase by 3 miles per hour, from 32 mph to 35 mph from I-10 to Loop 610 North, and from 27 mph to 30 mph from Loop 610 North to Beltway 8. However, tunnel speeds could be 55 to 65 mph.
The coalition went to Houston City Council last week seeking support in their quest to bend the ear of TxDOT. Several council members voiced support, but said to really be successful the coalition needs support of state senators and representatives as well as county commissioners, i.e. the people who hold TxDOT's purse strings.
TxDOT says the tunnel option could be considered:
Norm Wigington, spokesman for TxDOT, said in an e-mail, "this project is at the very earliest stages of development. Although the I-45 Major Investment Study is complete, there are several steps that need to be taken before a successful scoping meeting can be held.
"This is the step where all possibilities, including the tunnel, would become part of the feasibility analysis."
"So, yes, the tunnel option is still part of the earliest design options. There has been no assessment of costs as of yet so no decision can be made on the feasibility of one option over another."
What do you think of the coalition's alternative plan for I-45?
Posted by Jennifer Friedberg at October 25, 2007 04:25 PM
Labels: I-45, I-45 Coalition, I-45 Parkway, Old Sixth Ward, roadway tunnels, TxDOT, Woodland Heights